Examen de inglés de selectividad (Bachillerato LOGSE), Comisión Interuniversitaria de Galicia, curso 2008-2009. Examen realizado en septiembre de 2009. |
TEXTO PROPUESTO: Inspiration for a dance might come to you from a piece of music... |
REDACCIÓN PROPUESTA: Are you a competitive person? Is it good to be competitive? |
ERRATA: La hoja de respuestas de la clave oficial va marcada September 2007 aunque evidentemente se trata de una equivocación y las respuestas corresponden a septiembre de 2009. |
1. | Write a summary of the text in English, including the most important points, using your own words whenever possible (maximum 50 words, 1.5 points). |
There are many alternatives if you want to dance; you can be inspired by different things and include one or many dancers; you can dance in a studio, a gym or outside in a park. Look after your body and keep healthy, because you must compete and organize yourself and your dance group. |
NOTA: esta respuesta es simplemente una propuesta entre otras posibles. Añade la tuya y la comentaré. |
2. | Explain in English the meaning of the following expressions as used in the text (1.5 points: 0.75 each). |
2. a) | A balanced diet. |
A balanced diet is a diet for eating that includes all the important things for a healthy life. |
2. b) | The world of dance is incredibly competitive. |
Many people who dance are extremely good and all of them try to be the best. |
NOTA: estas respuestas son simplemente unas propuestas entre otras posibles. Añade las tuyas y las comentaré. |
3. | Complete the second sentence of each pair so that it has the same meaning as the first one (2 points: 0.5 points each): |
3. a) | You can always practise outside in a local park. It's free and spacious. |
You can always practise outside in a local park, which is free and spacious. |
3. b) | Dance teachers are more interested in the size of your talent than your waist. |
The size of your talent is more interesting to dance teachers than (the size of) your waist. The size of your talent is more interesting for dance teachers than (the size of) your waist. The size of your talent is more important to dance teachers than (the size of) your waist. The size of your talent is more important for dance teachers than (the size of) your waist. |
3. c) | It is possible that you will think of following a career in dance. |
You may think about following a career in dance. |
3. d) | It's essential to warm up to avoid unnecessary injuries. |
You must warm up to avoid unnecessary injuries. |
4. | Answer the following questions in your own words. (2 points: 1 point each): |
4. a) | What personal qualities do you need to start a profession in dancing? |
A person who wants to be a professional dancer needs creativity and determination and (s)he needs to coordinate well. (S)he doesn't need to be thin but (s)he needs talent and good health. (S)he has to be competitive too, because it's a very competitive world. | |
A person who wants to be a professional dancer needs creativity and determination and they need to coordinate well. They don't need to be thin but they need talent and good health. They have to be competitive too, because it's a very competitive world. |
4. b) | Which other people do you need in order to become a professional dancer? |
If you want to become a professional dancer, first you need to have a dance teacher. For your food you need a dietician, and then you'll need a good group of people if you want to organize a dance company. | |
Also, if you are really serious about it, you'll need a choreographer, DJ's, musicians, and even people who will organize and market your events. | |
Also, if you are really serious about it, you'll need a choreographer, DJ's, musicians, and even people to organize and market your events. |
NOTA: estas respuestas son simplemente unas propuestas entre otras posibles. Añade las tuyas y las comentaré. |
5. | Are you a competitive person? Is it good to be competitive?(Approximately 100 words; 3 points) |
I am competitive in sports like football and handball, because I want to help my team, and I am happier when the team wins. | |
However, at school when I am studying I do not worry so much. If my friends need to copy from me I always lend my notes to them. Too much competition is not healthy because you will not have many friends if you don't cooperate. | |
I hope that when I go to work I will feel the same, because my father tells me it's horrible to go to work with a bad atmosphere where everyone is fighting with everyone else. | |
(104 words) |